Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to build a REST API on top of your database.
Cleaner and a more standards compliant API than the one you'd write from scratch
Quick to get started, all you need to do is create the database.
Easy to scale
"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them." Alfred North Whitehead
WARNING: this does not imply that we run without any backend.
Generic interface between application and webserver
Usage: postgrest DB_URL (-a|--anonymous ROLE) [-s|--schema NAME] [-p|--port PORT] [-j|--jwt-secret SECRET] [-o|--pool COUNT] [-m|--max-rows COUNT] PostgREST / create a REST API to an existing Postgres database Available options: -h,--help Show this help text DB_URL (REQUIRED) database connection string, e.g. postgres://user:pass@host:port/db -a,--anonymous ROLE (REQUIRED) postgres role to use for non-authenticated requests -s,--schema NAME schema to use for API routes (default: "public") -p,--port PORT port number on which to run HTTP server (default: 3000) -j,--jwt-secret SECRET secret used to encrypt and decrypt JWT tokens (default: "secret") -o,--pool COUNT max connections in database pool (default: 10) -m,--max-rows COUNT max rows in response (default: "infinity")
Follows the UNIX philosophy
tables/views map to routes
Pagination/range headers ~ LIMIT and OFFSET
Auth ~ user roles
"Postgres is the Emacs of databases." Craig Kerstiens
A lot less verbose than XML
Native javascript!
Always use ssl to serve rest apis, no exceptions!
Use Nginx
APIs keep changing
Avoid hair splitting
Was done initially using schemas
Now offloaded to Nginx
Open standard for passing claims between 2 parties.
User does HTTP requests with a role claim
Postgrest will switch to that role for the duration of the request
One key to rule them all.
Pushes everything to client.
ALTER TABLE todos ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY; CREATE POLICY own_todos ON todos USING (author = basic_auth.current_email()); CREATE POLICY authors_eigencreate ON todos FOR INSERT WITH CHECK ( author = basic_auth.current_email() ); CREATE POLICY authors_eigenedit ON todos FOR update USING (author = basic_auth.current_email()) WITH CHECK ( author = basic_auth.current_email() ); CREATE POLICY authors_eigendelete ON todos FOR delete USING (author = basic_auth.current_email());
Rudimentary HATEOS
You can customize which columns are returned using the select parameter:
GET /people?select=age,height,weight
JSON drill-down
GET /people?employees->3->>id=eq.2
Set Content-Type: text/csv
and do:
POST /people name,age,height J Doe,62,70 Jonas,10,55
Mark all people whose age < 13 as "child".
PATCH /people?age=lt.13 { "persontype": "child" }
No nested resources
GET /people/students/1
not allowed.
Relational data is flat by nature.
RPCs as POST requests
Docker image
AWS Hint: AWS Lambda.